We've been here since early 2014 and we have receieved a few testimonials on our website, but as of late 2018 we have moved our review serction to Google and Facebook. If you would like to let us know your experience with Web For Actors we would love to hear from you.

Frederick Martin - Web For Actors client


Yes! Finally! They call it "the web" for a reason, and IADB helped clear out the brush and made a simple roadmap to creating a sleek, professional website. The website looks amazing and I've told all my friends about it.

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Actor Website Tips | No flash websites. Stay far away from flash.

Say no to a flash based actor website One last thing to stay away from when deciding on who's hosting your website. Avoid flash websites at all costs! There are too many reasons to list why flash websites are the thing of the past, however so many web hosts...

Fun Facts | Websites for Actors

Build your actor website Build your #actor #website in 90 seconds.

Actor Casting Hints | Impress Casting Directors

How to get cast Do your homework. Know what you're going up for and who you're talking to.

Actor Dictionary | VFX: Supervisor vs. Coordinator vs. Producer

What you should know

The visual effects supervisor makes all the creative decisions and works directly with the director off and on set to make sure he/she gets the visual image desired. The VFX supervisor in charge of all the vfx artists and directs them to create the visuals that the director asks for. With so much time and man power needed to create all the different elements to a VFX image, a smooth work flow is essential to the success of the film. This is where the visual effects coordinator comes in. He/she works directly under the visual effects supervisor in post-production and keeps the work flow of all the artists organized and running smoothly, making sure all the creative demands are met and delivered on time. The visual effects producer works like a line producer and manages the cost of the visual effects which can get outrageously high (sometimes over half of a film' budget).

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