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Product Displacements

13 May 2016
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Web For Actors: How many times do you see in a film somebody walk up to a computer screen and open up a website that sort of looks like Google, or sort of looks like F...

Face of Web For Actors

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Web For Actors: The time is here. We've had 127 applicants for the Face of Web For Actors contest within the month of April. We've reviewed all applications and 116...

Filmmakers Checklist

29 April 2016
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Web For Actors: So, you made a film, huh... What's next? Everybody seems to agree that these next 6 steps are the way to go. Do keep in mind that each film is differ...

Tools for Actors from Web For Actors

22 April 2016
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Web For Actors: Last week's blog post came from none other but social media guru, Heidi Dean. If you haven't visited her website yet, make sure you do. It has a ton...

How to 'Get Discovered' as an Actor

15 April 2016
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Web For Actors: TRUE STORY: Last week my friend needed to hire a female singer for a concert that paid thousands of dollars. Ten women (all with Broadway credits) mis...

To blog or not to blog

9 April 2016
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Web For Actors: Okay, I have a bone to pick with WIX websites (what else is new?) - but my main frustration is their forcing of blogs onto some pages that shouldn't ha...

Become "The Face" of Our Company

1 April 2016
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Web For Actors: Yes, we know it's April 1st, but this is NOT a prank! IADB is looking for someone who's ready to take their career to the next level. We will pick from...

Please & Thank You

25 March 2016
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Web For Actors: If you read my last week's blog you'll see that I've been researching Kickstarter and trying to figure out how it all works and how it can be done righ...

Your Project on Kickstarter

18 March 2016
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Web For Actors: Over the past few weeks I've been observing a lot of film projects on Kickstarter and Indiegogo and reading many articles about the best practices of c...

Veterans in Film & TV Industry

11 March 2016
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Web For Actors: What do you think of when you hear the word "veteran"? Do you have a specific image in mind? Is it an elderly man in a wheelchair? That seems to be a c...


4 March 2016
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Web For Actors: As you might have noticed on our social media, we've been asking our followers to vote IADB for's Startup of the Year title. Many of you have v...

Movie Posters

26 February 2016
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Web For Actors: Just because I've dealt with web design all my adult life, all of these things seem common sense to me, but I've recently realized that this is not the...

Niche professional websites for people in the film and TV industry.